Kiss Co. Club

Enjoy the range of activities that we have designed for you!
Just click on the link to download + print.
Download and print 'Kisses' Bingo! Cut out the bingo tokens on p3 and p4 and put them in a bowl, draw them out of the bowl and try to match them with words on your bingo cards. The first to fill their board wins. Can also be played with more people, just print more copies!
Download and print our Scavenger hunt! Staple or stick this to a paper bag for the child to collect all items inside the bag. Once finished, decide their reward!
Download and colour this Kiss in Peru! Click this link to download.
Can you navigate your way through the kisses to the end? Try it and see! Click this link to download.
Where do kisses come from? Can you imagine a place where kisses could hide? Who would you give your kisses to? Draw it below in this Creative Colouring Page! Click this link to download.
Join the dots and colour in! Click this link to download.